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Why Don't You Believe in Yourself?

There is one thing I've learned from talking to hundreds of clients (and potential clients) is that a lot of them don't believe in themselves.
They say they do, but ultimately actions speak louder than words. Their actions show they're just plain scared to get started or fill themselves with all kinds of self-doubt.
Listen, I get it, I've been there.
I remember when I started my first studio with less than one handful of clients that followed me from my previous job. I didn't want to tell anyone what I was doing or "steal" clients, so I was starting from scratch. The clients that followed me hunted me down. :)
Looking back, I had to take a leap of faith. I was signing a 5-year lease and invested what little my wife and I had at only 27 years old.
Oh, and did I mention that I quit my personal training job the last week in August of 2001. It was only a few weeks later I was sitting in my living room working on opening my studio when my wife told me to turn on the TV.
Yes, the horrors of September 11th were on the screen.
Then came the talk about how we would fall into a recession. So yes, I understand the feelings of:
-Being Unsure
These are all normal feelings when you're about to make life-changing decisions.
The good news is I had a mentor, and he helped me see the strategic advantages of being a premium-priced business and selling high-ticket programs.
My first week open, he bet me $100 I couldn't sell a $5000 program.
Well, those of you who know me, know I'm incredibly competitive. It's in my blood as a three-sport high school athlete and collegiate athlete.
I said, "you're on!"
Guess what? I won!
My very first prospect I met with I sold a $5000 program! As a result, I won the bet, and the client enrolled in a transformative program.
I saw how it was a real win-win. There are strategic advantages to the business, and the client invests and commits to a program that can help them make real lifestyle changes.
It brought in quality clients who made a commitment to change, and they gave us the dedication and time to make it happen for them.
All it took was one high-ticket program that delivered the outcome the client wanted (they don't want some 21 day/6 week wiz-bang, promo, promo, promo), and I was off to the races.
So if you don't believe you can sell $3000-$16000 high-ticket programs....all it takes is your first one...and you'll be off to the races too.
So if you doubt you can succeed, then I'm here to tell can.
If I did it at 27 without a proven system like I developed over 15 years of building what became a multi-million, multi-location, and multi-state personal training business...
In fact, as your mentor, I'll bet you $100 bucks!
Schedule a consultation and we'll discuss your business. If I feel you are a good fit, we can talk about how our programs work. If not, then I'll connect you or refer you out to someone who can help you in your situation.
But if you come on board, that's the bet. You close your first $5000 program that gets your clients even better results....I'll send you a crisp $100 bill as a memento :)
The choice is yours.
You only miss the shots you don't take.


Pete Piranio

Founder, EmpirePreneur

PS. We Are Ready When You are two ways you can work with me, and my team:

1.) Talk with me one-on-one by scheduling a complimentary phone consultation here.

2). Join our Facebook Group Here.




Take the first step and schedule a complimentary coaching call with Pete Piranio & his team. You'll discuss your biggest challenges you face in your businesses and get our recommendations to solve them.  Finally, if it sounds like we can help and we’re a good fit, we’ll explain what path is best for you and how it works. Then, at the end, if it makes sense, you can make a decision whether you want to be a part our community of serious fitness entrepreneurs.